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White Feather Thumbring Horn Inel din Corn Marime S
Postat 15 aprilie 2024

White Feather Thumbring Horn Inel din Corn Marime S

99 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Livrare cu verificare


Inel pentru protectia degetului cand de foloseste tehnica tragerii cu inel. Realizat din corn. Dimensiuni disponibile in diametru interior al inelului

Diametrul masurat pe lat

XS - aprox 16mm
S - aprox 18mm
M - aprox 20.5mm
L - aprox 21 mm
XL - aprox 21.5

S (approx. 22mm)
M (approx. 23.5 mm)
L (approx. 25mm)
XL (approx. 26,5mm)

good for protect the archer's thumb from arrow while the player is shooting (these ring have been handmade to the finest quality)
suit for the Eastern traditional archery; for example, Korean, Chinese, and Mongolian style
ID: 257281659

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