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Vand  curs intensiv progresiv Joe Dispenza- 5 meditatii incluse
Postat 28 aprilie 2024

Vand curs intensiv progresiv Joe Dispenza- 5 meditatii incluse

350 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou


Vand curs intensiv progresiv Joe Dispenza-cursurile contin si 5 dintre cele mai cunoscute meditatii ale sale
Cursurile sunt in limba engleza si includ:
INTENSIV -5 lectii:
* Lesson 1: Understanding the Power of the Mind 
* Lesson 2: The Privilege to Be Human 
* Lesson 3: The Science of Changing Your Mind
* Lesson 4: Feelings, Emotions, Identity, and Destiny 
* Lesson 5: Sensing Spacaaaaaacccce: An Introductory Meditation 
PROGRESIV: 12 videouri si 5 meditatii:
* Video 1: Introduction
* Video 2: Your Personality and Your Personal Reality: Getting Beyond Yourself
* Video 3: Finding the Sweet Spot of the Generous Present Moment 
* Video 4: The Generous Present Moment Meditation
* Video 5: Post Meditation Remarks
* Video 6: Tuning into New Potentials
* Video 7: Tuning into New Potentials Meditation
* Video 8: The Science of Transformation 
* Video 9: Pulling the Mind Out of the Body: The Physiology of the Breath 
* Video 10: Reconditioning the Body to a New Mind
* Video 10b: Generating Creative Emotions 
* Video 11: The Importance of Elevated Emotions
* Video 12: Reconditioning the Body to a New Mind Meditation 
* Video 13: After Meditation: Closing
* Video 14: Changing Beliefs and Perceptions 
* Video 15: Changing Beliefs and Perceptions Meditation
* Video 16: Blessing of the Energy Centers 
* Video 17: Blessing of the Energy Centers Meditation 

Pretul materialelor este de 350 lei
Exista opțiunea să optati și doar pentru unul dintre ele ( intensiv sau progresiv).
În cazul acesta prețul va fi:
Intensiv: 170 roni
Progresiv: 230 roni
ID: 244852680

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