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"Three Men in a Boat" & "Three Men on the Bummel" de Jerome K. Jerome
"Three Men in a Boat" & "Three Men on the Bummel" de Jerome K. Jerome
Postat 28 aprilie 2024

"Three Men in a Boat" & "Three Men on the Bummel" de Jerome K. Jerome

25 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Livrare cu verificare


Carte în limba engleză cu 2 povești de Jerome K. Jerome

Descriere: "Three Men in a Boat describes a comic expedition by middle-class Victorians up the Thames to Oxford, providing along the way brilliant snap-shots of London's playground in the late 1880s. In Three Men on the Bummel, the three Englishmen escape from the claustrophobia of suburban life some ten years later to go on a cycling tour in the Black Forest of Germany."
ID: 266808135

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