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The Zen Art Box, Stephen Addisss, John Daido Loori
The Zen Art Box, Stephen Addisss, John Daido Loori
The Zen Art Box, Stephen Addisss, John Daido Loori
The Zen Art Box, Stephen Addisss, John Daido Loori
The Zen Art Box, Stephen Addisss, John Daido Loori
The Zen Art Box, Stephen Addisss, John Daido Loori
The Zen Art Box, Stephen Addisss, John Daido Loori
The Zen Art Box, Stephen Addisss, John Daido Loori
Postat 28 martie 2024

The Zen Art Box, Stephen Addisss, John Daido Loori

70 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Livrare cu verificare


The Zen Art Box contains forty images of brush painting and calligraphy, each beautifully reproduced in fine quality on a 6 1/2" x 9" card that you can display on the enclosed folding easel stand. The back of each card includes an explanation of the art by Stephen Addiss along with commentary from John Daido Loori on the Zen wisdom contained in it. Also included is a 32-page color-illustrated booklet with essays on Zen art by both the authors.
ID: 244649916

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