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The terminal man, de Michael Crichton (en)
Postat 14 aprilie 2024

The terminal man, de Michael Crichton (en)

35 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Livrare cu verificare


Carte în stare bună, cu pagini intacte și complete.

Harry Benson is prone to violent, uncontrollable seizures and is under police guard after attacking two people.

Dr. Roger McPherson, head of the prestigious Neuropsychiatric Research Unit at University Hospital in Los Angeles, is convinced he can cure Benson through a procedure called Stage Three. During this highly specialized experimental surgery, electrodes will be place in the patient's brain, sending monitored, soothing pulses to its pleasure canyons.

Though the operation is a success, there is an unforseen development. Benson learns how to control the pulses and is increasing their frequency. He escapes -- a homicidal maniac loose in the city -- and nothing will stop his murderous rampages or impede his deadly agenda
ID: 243692573

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