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Tester Profesional Camioane DAF VCI560 Original + Laptop Panasonic CF5
Tester Profesional Camioane DAF VCI560 Original + Laptop Panasonic CF5
Tester Profesional Camioane DAF VCI560 Original + Laptop Panasonic CF5
Tester Profesional Camioane DAF VCI560 Original + Laptop Panasonic CF5
Tester Profesional Camioane DAF VCI560 Original + Laptop Panasonic CF5
Tester Profesional Camioane DAF VCI560 Original + Laptop Panasonic CF5
Tester Profesional Camioane DAF VCI560 Original + Laptop Panasonic CF5
Tester Profesional Camioane DAF VCI560 Original + Laptop Panasonic CF5
Postat 02 februarie 2025

Tester Profesional Camioane DAF VCI560 Original + Laptop Panasonic CF5

10 999 lei



Stare: Noua

Marca: DAF

Codul Piesei: DAF


Pachetul cuprinde:

• Interfata VCI-560 Originala DAF
• Cablu 16-pin
• Cablu OBD2
• Cablu USB
• Valiza transport metalica
• Full Instalat Laptop-ul Panasonic Cf53 I5 dedicat gamei DAF cu touchscreen activ si creion tactil.
• Factura fiscala si garantie interfata 12 luni

Aparatul DAF este 100% nou, laptopul Panasonic Militar Cf53 I5 generatia 3 este Refurbished (second hand reconditionat), Grad A. Se livreaza gata instalat si pregatit pentru utilizare. Acopera toata gama DAF inclusiv Euro6. Pretul afisat nu contine TVA, se emite factura de Romania de pe firma neplatitoare de TVA. Aparatul se aduce la comanda dupa plata unui avans de 30%.


• DAF Davie XDc II Runtime 5.6.1 (Windows 7 supported)
• DAF Davie Application 95.00
• DAF Davie Parts Rapido Subset 19.04.F0
• DAF Rapido 2015 (spare parts)

With this kit you can diagnose, troubleshoot and program:

• After treatment system.
• Auxialiary system.
• Break system.
• CAB climate system.
• Communication system.
• Door control system.
• Engine system.
• Instrumentation system.
• Power supply and ground.
• Retarder system.
• Safety system.
• Security system.
• Steering control system.
• Suspension system.
• Tachograph.
• Transmission system.
• Vehicle control system.

Direct Testing mode allows immediate selection of individual control units and direct test of their components and functions.

Guided Diagnosis. Using the combination of self-diagnosis symptoms (content of fault memory) and observed symptoms (complaints from customer), the system generates a test plan and guides the user along the shortest route to the suspect component.

HD-OBD mode allows immediate selection of DAF independent control units and direct testing of their components and functions.

EOL (End Of Line) mode used in stations of the production area and allows programming, calibration, health check and diagnosing of newly produced vehicles.

You can switch between HD-OBD mode and EOL mode.

For special programming and Service Level see DAVIE Developer Tool.

For SCR/AdBlue removal, power increase, language programming see DAVIE Configurator.

Supported languages: English, German, Dutch, Danish, Czech, French, Italian,
Finnish, Hungarian, German, Spanish, Norwegian, Russian, Greek, Polish, Turkish.
ID: 189568110

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