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Termostat digital W3001 220V
Postat 17 aprilie 2024

Termostat digital W3001 220V

20 lei

  • Firma

  • Stare: Nou

  • Livrare cu verificare


Name:Temperature Controller
1.Temperature measurement, display; refrigeration, heating control
2.Temperature setting upper and lower limits
3.Simple operation
4.Easy to install
Temperature range: -50 ~ 110C
Temperature accuracy: ± 0.1C
Measuring accuracy: ± 0.2C
Input measurement: NTC 10 K L = 1 M waterproof probe
Power input: 220V
Output Power: 120W/ 240W/ 1500W
Output Type: Direct Output
Output capacity: up to 10A
Installation height: 73mm (4mm opening)
Size: 61 * 45 * 31mm
How to use:
1. Press the up button show the starting temperature
long press UP button the temperature display Flashing , press the UP or Down button Set the start temperature value
2. Press the Down button show the Stop temperature
long press Down button the temperature display Flashing , press the UP or Down button Set the stop temperature value
ID: 267628349

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