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Telefon fix Snom D717
Postat 13 aprilie 2024

Telefon fix Snom D717

230 lei

Prețul e negociabil

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Livrare cu verificare


The Snom D717 is a professional desktop phone and a cost-effective entry-level device in the world of VoIP telephony. Breaking the mould for devices of this type, the Snom D717 features a colour display and unique Snom ambient light sensor to ensure secure, environmentally-friendly and cost-effective communication between users.

Adaptive features
A brightness sensor ensures the screen will always remain clear no matter the lighting in the room around you. The phone also has a revolutionary proximity sensor which, when the user´s hand approaches the screen, will display the functions and numbers used most frequently on the phone.

In addition to the high-resolution colour screen, the Snom D717 also features multi-colour LED function keys, an integrated Gigabit switch and a USB port for a wide range of connectivity options.

HD Audio
Enhanced HD audio quality is guaranteed thanks to its Digital Signal Processor (DSP), supporting a variety of audio codecs, as well as Comfort Noise Generator (CNG) and Voice Activity Detection (VAD). The D717 is the perfect telephony tool for any business ranging from offices to reception areas, workshops, hospitals, retail stores, and more.

The Snom D717 combines cutting-edge technology, the best voice quality and clear design in a single device, at an unbeatable price. This makes the Snom D717 the ideal device for beginners in the world of professional IP telephony.


6 identities / SIP accounts
XML browser
Records of calls made received and missed
Local directory up to 1000 records.
Multilingual support
Interoperable with the main IP PBXs.
High-resolution graphics screen.
Possible wall mounting
Blocking numbers (blacklist)
Better sound quality thanks to the digital signal processor (DSP).
1 Gigabit Ethernet switch (RJ45)
ID: 267131188

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