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Super Quick charger pentru 4 acumulatori R6 Ni-Mh Sony BCG-34HRMF
Super Quick charger pentru 4 acumulatori R6 Ni-Mh Sony BCG-34HRMF
Super Quick charger pentru 4 acumulatori R6 Ni-Mh Sony BCG-34HRMF
Super Quick charger pentru 4 acumulatori R6 Ni-Mh Sony BCG-34HRMF
Postat 04 aprilie 2024

Super Quick charger pentru 4 acumulatori R6 Ni-Mh Sony BCG-34HRMF

89 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Livrare cu verificare


Vand Incarcator rapid pentru 4 acumulatori Ni-Mh Sony BCG-34HRMF cu functie refresh.
Incarca 2 baterii de 2700 mAh in 160 de minute sau 4 baterii in 320 de minute
De nou a costat 180 de lei il vand cu 89 lei. Pret fix, fara schimburi.

Livrare prin posta sau curier, aveti buton de "comanda cu livrare" in anunt.
Sunt un vanzator serios, am rating "excelent" de la cumparatorii de pe olx cu care am interactionat.


Sony Super Quick Charger
You have just purchased the Sony Super Quick Charger with LCD Battery Indicator and
Refresh Function, a battery charger that will not only provide your batteries with
outstanding power and performance, it will also allow you to monitor the Charge and
Refresh status of your batteries with it’s new LCD Battery Indicator. Sony’s Super Quick
Charger has the following leading features:
• LCD Battery Indicator
• Refresh Function
• 3 Safety Features
1: Voltage monitoring function
2: Safety timer
3: Temperature monitoring function
• Worldwide Voltage AC 100 V - 240 V
What is the Refresh Function?
The Refresh function is a function that will eliminate the “memory effect” left over by a
battery that has been charged without first being fully discharged. The “memory effect”
is a temporary voltage depletion caused by charging and discharging a battery without
the battery ever being fully discharged. The “memory effect”, which will shorten the
usable time of the battery (the operating time of the equipment), can be observed when
the operating life-time of the equipment in which the batteries are placed decreases over
time. With the unique Refresh function, you can renew the original usable time of the
battery by fully discharging it.
• The impact of the “memory effect” varies depending on the equipment in which the batteries
are being used.
• You do not need to refresh a battery before each charge. Only refresh a battery when you
notice the usable time of the battery on a particular piece of equipment shortens.

Charging Times / Refresh Times
Battery Type Charging time Refresh time
Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery 1 - 2 batteries 3 - 4 batteries 1 - 4 batteries
Cycle Energy NH-AA (2000 mAh) 115 minutes 230 minutes 4 hours
Blue NH-AAA (800 mAh) 75 minutes 150 minutes 1.5 hours
NH-AA (2700 mAh) 160 minutes 320 minutes 5.5 hours
Cycle Energy NH-AA (2500 mAh) 150 minutes 300 minutes 5 hours
Green NH-AA (2100 mAh) 120 minutes 240 minutes 4 hours
NH-AAA (900 mAh) 85 minutes 170 minutes 2 hours
The above time is an approximation in temperature conditions ranging from 50°F - 86°F
(10°C - 30°C). Charging time will vary depending o
ID: 174890187

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