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Skateboard Electric Onsra Challenger boxed - Belt Drive,  (nou, 50Km)
Skateboard Electric Onsra Challenger boxed - Belt Drive,  (nou, 50Km)
Skateboard Electric Onsra Challenger boxed - Belt Drive,  (nou, 50Km)
Skateboard Electric Onsra Challenger boxed - Belt Drive,  (nou, 50Km)
Skateboard Electric Onsra Challenger boxed - Belt Drive,  (nou, 50Km)
Skateboard Electric Onsra Challenger boxed - Belt Drive,  (nou, 50Km)
Skateboard Electric Onsra Challenger boxed - Belt Drive,  (nou, 50Km)
Skateboard Electric Onsra Challenger boxed - Belt Drive,  (nou, 50Km)
Postat 26 aprilie 2024

Skateboard Electric Onsra Challenger boxed - Belt Drive, (nou, 50Km)

3 950 lei

Prețul e negociabil

  • Persoana fizica

  • Livrare cu verificare


Testat 50km.
Cutie originala cu toate accesoriile si protectie pe coada.

viteza maxima 47km/h - 3 trepte, autonomie 35km

E practic nou, vanzare din motive personale.

The Onsra Challenger belt drive is exceptionally comfortable to ride and provides the necessary power and range needed for your everyday needs.
ID: 265384505

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Pe OLX din februarie 2014

Activ pe 25 aprilie 2024

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