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Rolex The Watch Book ed. teNeues carte mare rara ceasuri album arta
Rolex The Watch Book ed. teNeues carte mare rara ceasuri album arta
Rolex The Watch Book ed. teNeues carte mare rara ceasuri album arta
Rolex The Watch Book ed. teNeues carte mare rara ceasuri album arta
Rolex The Watch Book ed. teNeues carte mare rara ceasuri album arta
Postat 21 aprilie 2024

Rolex The Watch Book ed. teNeues carte mare rara ceasuri album arta

750 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Livrare cu verificare


cartea este rara si NU se mai gaseste la editura in aceasta editie
exista 3 editii ale cartii, aceasta este cea cu coperta cartonata titlul embosed in coperta imbracata in catifea verde si legata manual in format jumbo pe hartie de calitate superiaora

- cartea este trilingva - ENGLEZA GERMANA si FRANCEZA
am 1 buc

Nearly a century ago, Hans Wilsdorf created the most precise and reliable wristwatch in the world. Thanks to uncompromising requirements, today the brand still produces watches at the forefront of technology and continues to improve them over time. This book is devoted to the company’s incredible tradition, but also devotes sample space to the present. Crafted in-house to exacting specifications, Rolex’s breadth of timepieces combine the utmost in sophisticated luxury with advanced precision.

Nothing unusual that during couple of decades, many books and publications were created, disputing brand’s rich history and most important watch models. Usually those are very specialized books written by avid collectors where they really go through smallest details that might not be very attractive for enthusiasts who are not analyzing each watch in a nearly microscopic way. So what about those rookie watch fans who just started their adventure with watches? Gisbert L. Brunner comes their way with help of his vast experience gathered during many decades of researching watch industry. In his book The Watch Book Rolex he tackles Rolex’s past and does it with lots of finesse and style that it’s really hard to stop reading this masterpiece that seems to be like a nicely crafted historical novel full of stylish humor and plot twists.

This book is not an official Rolex book but is the property of an independent publisher and author.

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ID: 229059737

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