Postat 09 septembrie 2024
Rent Electric Bike Bicycle E-bike Delivery Courier Glovo Tazz Boltfood
250 lei
Garantie (RON): 100
tip3: biciclete/scutere
Hi, is the first electric bike rental center for deliveries in Bucharest.
Battery range, for our ebikes, is about 100 km. If you see advertisements with a range of 120-150-170 km from other companies, I think they are not real. How do I know? I worked for 2 years at Glovo as a courier using an ebike.
More important than the bike is the bike maintenance. And maybe we have the best ebikes for delivery.
We have our own service, so any problem you have, we solve it quickly. So far we haven't left any customer without a bike for more than 24 hours, we repaired the bike or replaced it with another bike.
You can find us on Google Maps to see reviews from other customers.
The price for a day rental is about 35 lei / day
Rental contract is made with a minimum period of 7 consecutive calendar days.
The price is:
250 lei/week + 100 lei guarantee (to be paid only once)
The guarantee is returned at the end of the contract period.
This electric bike rental service is available only in Bucharest and the areas surrounding Bucharest (Ilfov). It is strictly forbidden to use the bicycle outside the Bucharest municipality and the areas bordering Bucharest (Ilfov).
The advantages of the electric bike in the field of deliveries are
o Earnings are at least 100 Lei/10 hours/day higher than using a car (there are no additional costs such as refuelling the vehicle: 60 - 90 Lei/10 hours/day).
o The deliverer/courier is not stressed by traffic congestion and finding a parking space in a crowded city.
o Requires less effort on the part of the delivery person compared to a normal bicycle without an engine.
o The courier can choose his schedule at any time, as he can quickly move between cars in traffic, and traffic is no longer an obstacle to choosing his schedule.
o Speed (the whole delivery process is simplified, from traffic, to parking, to handling the bag).
Romanian version:
Salut, este primul centru de inchirieri biciclete elecrice pentru livratorii din Bucuresti.
Avem propriul service,deci orice probema vei avea, o rezolvam rapid. Pana acum nu am lasat niciun client fara bicicleta mai mult de 24 de ore, ori am reparat bicicleta, ori i-am inlocuit bicicleta cu o alta bicicleta.
Ne poți găsi pe Google Maps pentru a vedea recenziile de la alți clienți.
Pretul unei zile de inchiriere este de aproximativ 35 lei / zi.
Se realizeaza contract de inchiriere cu perioada minima de 7 zile calendaristice consecutive.
Pretul este de:
250 lei/saptamana + 100 lei garantie (care se plateste o singura data)
Garantia se returneaza la sfarsitul perioadei contractuale.
Acest serviciu de inchiriere biciclete electrice este valabil pe teritoriul municipiului Bucuresti si a zonelor limitrofe Bucurestiului (Ilfov). Este strict interzisa utilizarea bicicletei in afara municipiului Bucuresti si a zonelor limitrofe Bucurestiului (Ilfov).
Avantajele bicicletei electrice in domeniul livrarilor sunt:
o Castigurile sunt cu minim 100 Lei/10 ore/zi mai mari decat in cazul utilizarii unei masini. (nu exista costuri supliementare, cum ar fi alimentarea vehiculului cu combustibil: 60 – 90 Lei/10 ore/zi).
o Livratorul / curierul nu este stresat de aglomeratia din trafic si de gasirea unui loc de parcare intr-un oras supraaglomerat.
o Necesita putin efort din partea livratorului, fata de o bicicleta obisnuita, fara motor.
o Livratorul / curierul isi poate alege programul in oricare interval orar, deoarece acesta se poate strecura rapid printre masinile din trafic, iar traficul nu mai devine un obstacol in alegerea programului de munca.
o Rapiditate (tot procesul de livrare se simplifica, de la trafic, parcare, pana la manevrarea gentii).
With friendship, team is the first electric bike rental center for deliveries in Bucharest.
Battery range, for our ebikes, is about 100 km. If you see advertisements with a range of 120-150-170 km from other companies, I think they are not real. How do I know? I worked for 2 years at Glovo as a courier using an ebike.
More important than the bike is the bike maintenance. And maybe we have the best ebikes for delivery.
We have our own service, so any problem you have, we solve it quickly. So far we haven't left any customer without a bike for more than 24 hours, we repaired the bike or replaced it with another bike.
You can find us on Google Maps to see reviews from other customers.
The price for a day rental is about 35 lei / day
Rental contract is made with a minimum period of 7 consecutive calendar days.
The price is:
250 lei/week + 100 lei guarantee (to be paid only once)
The guarantee is returned at the end of the contract period.
This electric bike rental service is available only in Bucharest and the areas surrounding Bucharest (Ilfov). It is strictly forbidden to use the bicycle outside the Bucharest municipality and the areas bordering Bucharest (Ilfov).
The advantages of the electric bike in the field of deliveries are
o Earnings are at least 100 Lei/10 hours/day higher than using a car (there are no additional costs such as refuelling the vehicle: 60 - 90 Lei/10 hours/day).
o The deliverer/courier is not stressed by traffic congestion and finding a parking space in a crowded city.
o Requires less effort on the part of the delivery person compared to a normal bicycle without an engine.
o The courier can choose his schedule at any time, as he can quickly move between cars in traffic, and traffic is no longer an obstacle to choosing his schedule.
o Speed (the whole delivery process is simplified, from traffic, to parking, to handling the bag).
Romanian version:
Salut, este primul centru de inchirieri biciclete elecrice pentru livratorii din Bucuresti.
Avem propriul service,deci orice probema vei avea, o rezolvam rapid. Pana acum nu am lasat niciun client fara bicicleta mai mult de 24 de ore, ori am reparat bicicleta, ori i-am inlocuit bicicleta cu o alta bicicleta.
Ne poți găsi pe Google Maps pentru a vedea recenziile de la alți clienți.
Pretul unei zile de inchiriere este de aproximativ 35 lei / zi.
Se realizeaza contract de inchiriere cu perioada minima de 7 zile calendaristice consecutive.
Pretul este de:
250 lei/saptamana + 100 lei garantie (care se plateste o singura data)
Garantia se returneaza la sfarsitul perioadei contractuale.
Acest serviciu de inchiriere biciclete electrice este valabil pe teritoriul municipiului Bucuresti si a zonelor limitrofe Bucurestiului (Ilfov). Este strict interzisa utilizarea bicicletei in afara municipiului Bucuresti si a zonelor limitrofe Bucurestiului (Ilfov).
Avantajele bicicletei electrice in domeniul livrarilor sunt:
o Castigurile sunt cu minim 100 Lei/10 ore/zi mai mari decat in cazul utilizarii unei masini. (nu exista costuri supliementare, cum ar fi alimentarea vehiculului cu combustibil: 60 – 90 Lei/10 ore/zi).
o Livratorul / curierul nu este stresat de aglomeratia din trafic si de gasirea unui loc de parcare intr-un oras supraaglomerat.
o Necesita putin efort din partea livratorului, fata de o bicicleta obisnuita, fara motor.
o Livratorul / curierul isi poate alege programul in oricare interval orar, deoarece acesta se poate strecura rapid printre masinile din trafic, iar traficul nu mai devine un obstacol in alegerea programului de munca.
o Rapiditate (tot procesul de livrare se simplifica, de la trafic, parcare, pana la manevrarea gentii).
With friendship, team
ID: 270330905
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