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Rapid Reboot Recovery System. Compression Boots and Case
Rapid Reboot Recovery System. Compression Boots and Case
Rapid Reboot Recovery System. Compression Boots and Case
Rapid Reboot Recovery System. Compression Boots and Case
Rapid Reboot Recovery System. Compression Boots and Case
Rapid Reboot Recovery System. Compression Boots and Case
Postat 04 aprilie 2024

Rapid Reboot Recovery System. Compression Boots and Case

150 lei

Prețul e negociabil

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Livrare cu verificare


Rapid Reboot Recovery System

Doar cizmele, cablul si geanta de travel. Lipseste unitatea de control.
Complet nou, neutilizat. A costat 7000 lei.
In cutie originala.

Rapid Reboot compression technology speeds up your body's natural healing processes by enhancing blood flow to your muscles to facilitate cellular repair and protein synthesis, boosting lymphatic drainage to relieve inflammation and reduce swelling, and mobilizing waste products such as lactic acid and excess fluids.

When should I use it? Rapid Reboot is ideal right after a workout, race, or event, especially after a long, arduous one. However, you can use the boots after a long day, anytime your legs are feeling sore, or whenever you feel you need to reboot!
ID: 223191406

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Pe OLX din noiembrie 2011

Activ ieri la 08:20



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