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Raphael. The Complete Works XXL
Raphael. The Complete Works XXL
Raphael. The Complete Works XXL
Raphael. The Complete Works XXL
Raphael. The Complete Works XXL
Raphael. The Complete Works XXL
Raphael. The Complete Works XXL
Raphael. The Complete Works XXL
Postat 07 aprilie 2024

Raphael. The Complete Works XXL

795 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Livrare cu verificare


o carte monumentala
are 40 cm si este foarte grea
este editia 1 de la editura TASCHEN
limba engleza
cu pagini interioare care se deschid mai mari decat cartea

opera in detaliu foarte frumos lucrata pe hartie de calitate superioara
printata in Italia

Alongside Michelangelo and Leonardo, Raphael is acclaimed as one of the most important artists of the Italian Renaissance. For centuries no other artist achieved a similar level of popularity. This edition presents all his paintings, frescoes, architectural projects, tapestries, and is the most comprehensive work on Raphael published to date.
Hardcover with fold-outs,
720 pagini
ID: 267156964

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