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Rame Ochelari ComFit
Rame Ochelari ComFit
Rame Ochelari ComFit
Rame Ochelari ComFit
Rame Ochelari ComFit
Rame Ochelari ComFit
Postat 27 aprilie 2024

Rame Ochelari ComFit

300 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Tip: Unisex

  • Stare: Nou, fara eticheta

  • Livrare cu verificare


Embrace a simple look with these silver glasses. The bold, square-shaped frame is balanced by the slender metal eye wires, while a prominent double bridge nods to the on-trend Aviator style. The masculine angles of the frames draw round to meet the seamless hinges and slim sides where a polka dot design covers the lower edge. The temples narrow down to neat, onyx-coloured silicone tips that help to keep them secure. As part of our ComFit range, these glasses are designed to ensure long-lasting comfort – perfect for extended Sunday lunches with the family.
ID: 230363231

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