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PTM7950 Honeywell pad termic/pasta termica cu schimbare de faza
PTM7950 Honeywell pad termic/pasta termica cu schimbare de faza
PTM7950 Honeywell pad termic/pasta termica cu schimbare de faza
PTM7950 Honeywell pad termic/pasta termica cu schimbare de faza
PTM7950 Honeywell pad termic/pasta termica cu schimbare de faza
PTM7950 Honeywell pad termic/pasta termica cu schimbare de faza
PTM7950 Honeywell pad termic/pasta termica cu schimbare de faza
PTM7950 Honeywell pad termic/pasta termica cu schimbare de faza
Postat 26 aprilie 2024

PTM7950 Honeywell pad termic/pasta termica cu schimbare de faza

59 lei

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ATENTIE! :Trimit in tara doar cu plata transportului in avans (eventual pot sa scad pretul cu 20 ron la produs, si imi faceti transfer de 20 ron pe cont) ca sa nu fiu obligat sa platesc eu transportul daca nu se ridica produsul.

cum ar face titlu cei de la Vice "Am cumparat eu o bucata fake de ptm7950, ca sa nu o faceti voi" :)) prima si a 2 a poza sunt facute de mine.

Padul/pasta este ORIGINALA 100% PTM 7950 si pot demonstra asta, ca am si una fake. Va rog nu deranjati inutil, in limita timpul si a disponibilitatii pot livra in bucuresti in sectorul 3 si prin imprejurimi.

40x40mm 59 ron
80x40mm 119 ron

Thickness: 0.25mm
Thermal conductivity: 8.5 W/m-k
Density: 2.8 (g/cm3)
Thermal impedance: 0.04 -cm2/W
Phase change temperature: Within 45 celsius

ultima poza, cea cu print-ul de ecran de pe emag, este (atentie!) cu un termal pad SIMILAR, nu original, iar pretul este pentru cea mai mica bucata 40x40mm (am si o bucata din asta ca si proba:)

For Honeywell PTM7950 Phase-change Pad 8.5W/mK CPU Thermal Conductive Paste Pad Patch Replacement Lightweight for Laptop GPU CPU
1. Material: The heat conductive pad is small in size and light in weight, making it convenient for you to carry and store when not in use. Made of high-quality silicone material, the heat conductive pad is soft and durable, with a smooth surface and exquisite workmanship. With good sealing effect, it can effectively reduce the leakage of liquid during use, and can be used for a long time during refrigerated storage.
2. Advanced Technology: Ultra high thermal conductivity phase change material (PCM), available in both pad and phase change sheet forms, aims to reduce the thermal resistance of the interface, pass reliability testing, and maintain excellent performance. Based on a new polymer PCM system, this material exhibits excellent interfacial wettability within a typical operating temperature range, resulting in extremely low surface contact resistance, making it more suitable for today's high-performance notebook computers.
3. Reliable: The PTM7950 is a proprietary material that provides excellent reliability (via 150 baking for 1000 hours, T/C-B for 1000 cycles) and maintaining low thermal impedance, making the PTM7950 series the best choice for high-performance integrated circuit equipment.
4. Ease of Use: It is recommended to use clamping pressure and temperature to achieve a minimum adhesive line thickness for thermal interface materials, typically less than 1.5 million (0.038 mm) for optimal performance. Materials must undergo a phase transition temperature to exhibit their proper properties
5. Product Usage: The heat dissipation pad is specially designed for CPUs, GPUs, graphics cards, GPUs, power supplies, computer hosts, laptops, and any heat dissipation modules you need. Use it to heat your laptop or computer and prevent overheating.
ID: 265341554

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