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Paul of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson (carte noua, engleza)
Paul of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson (carte noua, engleza)
Paul of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson (carte noua, engleza)
Paul of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson (carte noua, engleza)
Paul of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson (carte noua, engleza)
Paul of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson (carte noua, engleza)
Paul of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson (carte noua, engleza)
Postat 03 aprilie 2024

Paul of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson (carte noua, engleza)

50 lei

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  • Stare: Nou


Paul of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J Anderson

- carte noua, in limba engleza
- TOR Books, 624 pagini, format 106 x 191 x 25mm

Frank Herbert s Dune ended with Paul MuadDib in control of the planet Dune. Herbert s next Dune book, Dune Messiah, picked up the story several years later after Paul s armies had conquered the galaxy. But what happened between Dune and Dune Messiah? How did Paul create his empire and become the Messiah? Following in the footsteps of Frank Herbert, New York Times bestselling authors Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson are answering these questions in Paul of Dune.

The MuadDibs jihad is in full swing. His warrior legions march from victory to victory. But beneath the joy of victory there are dangerous undercurrents. Paul, like nearly every great conqueror, has enemies--those who would betray him to steal the awesome power he commands. . . .
And Paul himself begins to have doubts: Is the jihad getting out of his control? Has he created anarchy? Has he been betrayed by those he loves and trusts the most? And most of all, he wonders: Am I going mad?

Cartea este noua. Fotografiile sunt ale volumului pus in vanzare.
In Bucuresti, predare personala. In tara, cumparatorul plateste transportul.

Pentru alte romane si culegeri de povestiri science-fiction, va invit sa verificati celelalte anunturi postate de mine.

Tags: science-fiction, sci-fi, literatura de anticipatie, carti de colectie, idei de cadouri, romane SF
ID: 228062124

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