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Obiective Kowa 2X Anamorphic montura Canon EF sau PL
Obiective Kowa 2X Anamorphic montura Canon EF sau PL
Obiective Kowa 2X Anamorphic montura Canon EF sau PL
Obiective Kowa 2X Anamorphic montura Canon EF sau PL
Obiective Kowa 2X Anamorphic montura Canon EF sau PL
Obiective Kowa 2X Anamorphic montura Canon EF sau PL
Obiective Kowa 2X Anamorphic montura Canon EF sau PL
Obiective Kowa 2X Anamorphic montura Canon EF sau PL
Postat 29 aprilie 2024

Obiective Kowa 2X Anamorphic montura Canon EF sau PL

8 000 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat


Ofer urmatoarele obiective custom anamorfice Kowa 2X:

1. Kowa Prominar 16H Anamorphic 2X 50mm f2 montura Canon EF, format din:
Leica R 50mm f2 + Kowa 16H Anamorphic 2X + Rectilux HCDNA + Rapido Housing gravat (FMJ + RMJ + suport lentila) + adaptor RAFcamera filet 86mm - 95mm cu 114mm diametru exterior + montura Simmod CinePro Canon EF + capac custom Simmod EF
Factor de compresie: 2X Anamorphic
Focus: Single focus - Rectilux HCDNA
Conditie: Lentilele sunt curate, in conditie foarte buna, fara fungus, ceata, zgarieturi.
Obiectivul produce flareuri cu o tenta calda (amber).
PRET: 15000ron

2. Kowa Bell & Howell Anamorphic 2X 58mm f2 cu montura Canon EF sau PL (interschimbabila), format din:
Helios 58mm f2 + Kowa Bell & Howell Anamorphic 2X + Rectilux HCDNA + 2 prinderi intre obiective + capac custom Simmod + adaptor PL de la Ironglass PL + capac PL spate
Factor de compresie: 2X Anamorphic
Focus: Single focus - Rectilux HCDNA
Conditie: Lentilele sunt curate, in conditie foarte buna, fara fungus, ceata, zgarieturi.
Obiectivul produce flareuri cu o tenta calda (amber). Montura este interchimbabila intre PL si Canon EF
PRET: 7500ron

Filtre ND variabile:
PolarPro 95mm Peter McKinnon Signature Edition II Variable ND 0.6 to 1.5 Filter (2 to 5-Stop) - 1250ron
PolarPro 95mm Peter McKinnon Signature Edition II Variable ND 1.8 to 2.7 Filter (6 to 9-Stop) - 1250ron
Set de dioptrii Vormaxlens 95mm diopters (+0.5, +1, +2) - 1500ron
ID: 258895747

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