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Modul Alimentare Flight Controller APM2.8 PX4 Pixhawk 90A Power Module
Modul Alimentare Flight Controller APM2.8 PX4 Pixhawk 90A Power Module
Modul Alimentare Flight Controller APM2.8 PX4 Pixhawk 90A Power Module
Modul Alimentare Flight Controller APM2.8 PX4 Pixhawk 90A Power Module
Modul Alimentare Flight Controller APM2.8 PX4 Pixhawk 90A Power Module
Modul Alimentare Flight Controller APM2.8 PX4 Pixhawk 90A Power Module
Modul Alimentare Flight Controller APM2.8 PX4 Pixhawk 90A Power Module
Modul Alimentare Flight Controller APM2.8 PX4 Pixhawk 90A Power Module
Postat 02 aprilie 2024

Modul Alimentare Flight Controller APM2.8 PX4 Pixhawk 90A Power Module

50 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

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Modul Nou Crius 8V 90A pentru alimentare Flight Controller APM2.8 APM2.6 APM Pixhawk

Descriere producator (ENG):

Power Module is a simple way of providing your APM/Arduflyer with clean power from a LiPo battery as well as current consumption and battery voltage measurements, all through a 6P cable.
Input voltage: 6~28V (support 30V)
Max current sensing: 90A
Voltage and current measurement configured for 5V ADC
Switching regulator outputs 5.3V±0.1V and 3A max
6P molex cable plugs directly to APM/Arduflyer 2.5's 'PM' connector
Dimension(mm): 25 x 21 x 9
Weight(g): 17(include all wire)
Quantity: 1PC
ID: 166449798

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