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Modul ACS712 senzor 5A modul, shield curent sensor
Modul ACS712 senzor 5A modul, shield curent sensor
Postat 30 martie 2024

Modul ACS712 senzor 5A modul, shield curent sensor

17,99 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou


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Descriere senzor 5A:
1、The current sensor chips: ACS712ELC-05B;
2、Pin 5V power supply, on-board power indicator;
3、The module can measure the positive and negative 5 amps, corresponding to the analog output 185mV / A;
4、No test current through the output voltage is VCC / 2;
5、PCB board size: 31 (mm) x13 (mm);
Note: ACS712 is based on the principle of the Hall test, please use this field to avoid an impact
ID: 211656565

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