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Masca tratament apnee în somn
Masca tratament apnee în somn
Masca tratament apnee în somn
Postat 14 aprilie 2024

Masca tratament apnee în somn

500 lei

Prețul e negociabil

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Livrare cu verificare


JOYCEone Full Face CPAP Mask
The optimized shape of the single layer mask cushion makes the quick fitting possible. It finds the ideal position on its own, regardless of the size and shape of the patient’s face. The forehead support on JOYCEone Full Face Mask is just as clever. Its spring action automatically ensures that the proper distance is maintained for patient comfort and effective therapy.On top of that, handling JOYCEone Full Face Mask is child’s play. While the color-coded headgear and clips guarantee the patient effortless assembly, medical personnel save time when fitting or explaining the mask. JOYCEone Full Face Mask helps you to use your time ideally without compromising on care. The patients too feel good with JOYCEone.

The benefits from JOYCEone Full Face Mask:

Economical: One size fits nearly all patients.
Time-saving, perfect fit: Automatic adjustment of mask cushion and forehead support
Unmistakable assembly: Color coding on headgear and clips .
Convenient: Effortless cleaning
Pleasant: Quiet exhalation system
Stable: Very durable materials
Silky soft: Greater wearing comfort provided by our WINMANN SilkTec coating.
ID: 262515888

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