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LD2410C 5V Mini 24G Smart Human Presence Status Sensor Radar Module
LD2410C 5V Mini 24G Smart Human Presence Status Sensor Radar Module
Postat 27 aprilie 2024

LD2410C 5V Mini 24G Smart Human Presence Status Sensor Radar Module

50 lei

Prețul e negociabil

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Livrare cu verificare


HLK-LD2410 is a high-sensitivity 24GHz human presence status sensing module developed by Hilink Electronics. Its working principle is to use FMCW frequency-modulated continuous wave, to detect human targets in the set space, combined with radar signal processing, accurate human body induction algorithm, to achieve high sensitive human presence status sensing, which can identify the human body in motion and stationary state, and can calculate auxiliary information such as the distance to the target.
ID: 265470455

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