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Încuietoare Wittkopp SmartCAM. Cu coduri.
Încuietoare Wittkopp SmartCAM. Cu coduri.
Încuietoare Wittkopp SmartCAM. Cu coduri.
Încuietoare Wittkopp SmartCAM. Cu coduri.
Postat 17 aprilie 2024

Încuietoare Wittkopp SmartCAM. Cu coduri.

250 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Condiție: nou

  • Livrarea este acoperită de: livrare personală

  • Livrare cu verificare


Vând încuietoare de ușă/birou/dulap/seif Wittkopp SmartCAM.
Are un sistem de.coduri reglabile.

The SmartCAM Lock combines four different operating modes in one housing, which allows flexible adaptation to organizational requirements - both in advance and during operation. The number of users, access rights and even the length of codes can be easily modified. Operating the SmartCAM is simple and convenient. The user enters their code, accompanied by visual and audible signals. The housing itself serves as a practical door handle, facilitating handling.

The SmartCAM is characterized by low power consumption and can be operated with a single battery. The battery compartment is secured against theft from the inside, so that in an emergency an external battery can be attached from the outside to maintain the power supply. This ensures continuous functionality.
ID: 266299438

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