Postat Azi la 09:08
Inchiriez Scuter/Scooter Pentru Delivery (Bolt, Tazz, Glovo)
220 lei
Garantie (RON): 300
MIB RENTALS S.R.L Oferim spre inchiriere scutere pentru delivery sau uz personal.
Scuterele sunt intr-o stare foarte buna si cu reviziile la zi.
Preturi incepand de la 220 pana la 300 Ron pe saptamana
Scutere disponibile:( toate cu cat. B )
-Piaggio Liberty 4 bucati
-Kymco Agility 50 cc
-Peugeot v-clic 50cc
-Malaguti Centro 125 cc
-Piaggio Liberty 125 cc 2005
-Piaggio Liberty 125 cc 2018
Etc. ( inca 30 de scutere)
-Asigurare RCA
-Casca protectie omologata
-Suport telefon
-Manusi iarna
Pretul pe saptamana este de:
-250Lei pentru cele de 50cc
-300 Lei pentru cele de 125cc
Se percepe garantie: 300 Lei.
Avem si cateva modele de scutere ce se pot inchiria la ramanere. (Mai multe informatii la sediu sau la telefon)
Rugam si oferim seriozitate.
Daca doriti sa aflati mai multe informatii nu ezitati sa ne sunati pe numarul de telefon sau sa ne scrieti pe Instagram ( )
MIB RENTALS S.R.L We offer for rent scooters for delivery or personal use.
The scooters are in a very good condition and with up-to-date revisions.
With each rented scooter, we also offer an approved helmet and because it is the cold season, we also offer gloves and a hood.
The price per week is 250-270 Lei (Depends on the model).
Deposit: 300 Lei.
The price includes: RCA insurance, very good quality and approved protective helmet, anti-theft chain, scooter protective cover, phone holder, USB plug to be able to charge the phone and during the winter and cold season, we offer a cap and gloves.
We also have several models of scooters that can be rented during the stay. (More information at the office or by phone)
We pray and offer seriousness.
If you want to find out more information, don't hesitate to call us on the phone number or write to us on Instagram (
Scuterele sunt intr-o stare foarte buna si cu reviziile la zi.
Preturi incepand de la 220 pana la 300 Ron pe saptamana
Scutere disponibile:( toate cu cat. B )
-Piaggio Liberty 4 bucati
-Kymco Agility 50 cc
-Peugeot v-clic 50cc
-Malaguti Centro 125 cc
-Piaggio Liberty 125 cc 2005
-Piaggio Liberty 125 cc 2018
Etc. ( inca 30 de scutere)
-Asigurare RCA
-Casca protectie omologata
-Suport telefon
-Manusi iarna
Pretul pe saptamana este de:
-250Lei pentru cele de 50cc
-300 Lei pentru cele de 125cc
Se percepe garantie: 300 Lei.
Avem si cateva modele de scutere ce se pot inchiria la ramanere. (Mai multe informatii la sediu sau la telefon)
Rugam si oferim seriozitate.
Daca doriti sa aflati mai multe informatii nu ezitati sa ne sunati pe numarul de telefon sau sa ne scrieti pe Instagram ( )
MIB RENTALS S.R.L We offer for rent scooters for delivery or personal use.
The scooters are in a very good condition and with up-to-date revisions.
With each rented scooter, we also offer an approved helmet and because it is the cold season, we also offer gloves and a hood.
The price per week is 250-270 Lei (Depends on the model).
Deposit: 300 Lei.
The price includes: RCA insurance, very good quality and approved protective helmet, anti-theft chain, scooter protective cover, phone holder, USB plug to be able to charge the phone and during the winter and cold season, we offer a cap and gloves.
We also have several models of scooters that can be rented during the stay. (More information at the office or by phone)
We pray and offer seriousness.
If you want to find out more information, don't hesitate to call us on the phone number or write to us on Instagram (
ID: 264992357
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