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geaca moto de dama BMW motorrad - TAORMINA the spirit of touring
geaca moto de dama BMW motorrad - TAORMINA the spirit of touring
geaca moto de dama BMW motorrad - TAORMINA the spirit of touring
geaca moto de dama BMW motorrad - TAORMINA the spirit of touring
geaca moto de dama BMW motorrad - TAORMINA the spirit of touring
geaca moto de dama BMW motorrad - TAORMINA the spirit of touring
geaca moto de dama BMW motorrad - TAORMINA the spirit of touring
geaca moto de dama BMW motorrad - TAORMINA the spirit of touring
Postat 20 aprilie 2024

geaca moto de dama BMW motorrad - TAORMINA the spirit of touring

290 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Livrare cu verificare


Am si alte geci,casti etc- geaca de dama BMW motorrad originala cod TAORMINA the spirit of touring ,piele naturala nappa ,marimea 40,culoare negru curat,corespunde L ,stare impecabila ,stantata peste tot cu firma bmw ,protectii hard spate,umeri,coate,antebrate - DIMENSIUNI MASURATE : talie peste abdomen permite de la 50 cm la 55 cm latura ,inaltime pe spate 68 cm ,latime umar-umar 52-53 cm ,lungime maneca 57-58 cm .Trimit in tara prin curier .
ID: 210335075

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