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  6. Sisteme PC & Gaming - Brasov
Gaming / Server PC Intel Xeon E5 2680 V4(x2) 48GB DDR4 RAM M.2 512GB
Gaming / Server PC Intel Xeon E5 2680 V4(x2) 48GB DDR4 RAM M.2 512GB
Gaming / Server PC Intel Xeon E5 2680 V4(x2) 48GB DDR4 RAM M.2 512GB
Gaming / Server PC Intel Xeon E5 2680 V4(x2) 48GB DDR4 RAM M.2 512GB
Gaming / Server PC Intel Xeon E5 2680 V4(x2) 48GB DDR4 RAM M.2 512GB
Gaming / Server PC Intel Xeon E5 2680 V4(x2) 48GB DDR4 RAM M.2 512GB
Postat 18 aprilie 2024

Gaming / Server PC Intel Xeon E5 2680 V4(x2) 48GB DDR4 RAM M.2 512GB

1 899 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat


Custom made pc (built it for my self, condition is like new)

DeepCool Matrexx 70 ADD-RGB 3F case (650 lei 130 euro)

Power supply be quiet! Straight Power 11 750W (550 lei 110 euro)

Motherboard with dual Intel Xeon E5 2680 V4 LGA2011-3 CPU 3pcs X 16GB = 48GB DDR4
memory NVME 512GB M.2 WIFI card (320 euro)

Important: No video Card

Can send to you after full payment to another city or verify and pick it up in Brasov, 1 Decembrie 1918 42
ID: 264977601

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Pe OLX din decembrie 2022

Activ pe 12 aprilie 2024

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