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Gamepad iOS Steel Series Stratos controller / maneta
Gamepad iOS Steel Series Stratos controller / maneta
Gamepad iOS Steel Series Stratos controller / maneta
Postat 28 martie 2024

Gamepad iOS Steel Series Stratos controller / maneta

60 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Livrare cu verificare


In stare buna
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The Stratus is a premium, Bluetooth gaming controller geared towards the gamer seeking superior performance in a portable design. With the introduction of Apple’s iOS 7, developers can now code incredible games for iOS devices with classic console control schemes we have used for decades. Stratus takes advantage of this breakthrough like no other controller on the market, joining Apple in bringing the revolution to light.

Compatible Apple Devices (Requires iOS 7)
iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPad mini, iPad Air, iPad 4th Generation, iPod touch (5th Generation)
ID: 249712496

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