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Espressor pentru camper van Lucaffe
Espressor pentru camper van Lucaffe
Espressor pentru camper van Lucaffe
Espressor pentru camper van Lucaffe
Postat 01 aprilie 2024

Espressor pentru camper van Lucaffe

630 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Tip cafea: Pad cafea

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Livrare cu verificare


Espressor pentru camper van Lucaffe La Piccola Piccola 44.
Se foloseste cu ESE pads (poza), care se gasesc si pe emag.

Fara defecte, fara zgarieturi.
Va fi livrat curatat si in cutia originala.
Potrivit pentru campere sau bucatarii cu spatiu redus pe blat.


Currently the quality espresso machine with the smallest footprint on the market. Ideal to take with you when travelling (camper, boat etc.). Instead of a drip-tray it has a trough under the grille which is easy to clean by simply wiping it with a sponge.

​The espresso coffee extracted has the same quality as with our other professional pod machines. It has very low energy consumption. It can be connected to a tank, even a large one, for water intake, and to a drainage tank, so as to be able to prepare coffee non-stop with the smallest possible footprint.
ID: 260402430

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