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EPSO - The ultimate EU  test book - Assessment Centre 2021
Postat 12 aprilie 2024

EPSO - The ultimate EU test book - Assessment Centre 2021

175 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Livrare cu verificare


This book is designed to help candidates succeed at the Assessment Centre, the final stage in EPSO competitions and the gateway to jobs in the EU institutions. This specially updated 2021 edition includes the online testing regime and situational competency based interview introduced because of the Covid pandemic. Written by experts in EPSO competitions, it explains exactly what the assessors are looking for and is packed with useful tips about how to prepare, what to do – and mistakes to avoid.

- How the EPSO Assessment Centre works - in normal times and with Covid restrictions
- The EPSO competencies and how they are measured
- The exercises used to test the competencies, the keys to success and the pitfalls to avoid
- Full sample exercises with scoring keys
- Recruitment & the Competency Passport
- Includes the situational competency based interview introduced because of Covid
- Relevant for all Administrator, Assistant, Linguist and Specialist competitions
- Supported by free online self-assessment tool – generate your own Competency Passport

English, 332 pages, 2021 edition.
ID: 264735575

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