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Driver Motor 43A, BTS7960B
Driver Motor 43A, BTS7960B
Driver Motor 43A, BTS7960B
Postat 09 aprilie 2024

Driver Motor 43A, BTS7960B

69,99 lei

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Caracteristicile Produsului driver motor BTS7960B

Tensiune de intrare: 6V - 27V;
Curent: 43A (MAX);
Tensiune pentru partea de logica: 3.3V - 5V;
Frecventa maxima PWM: 25kHz
Protectie la: scurt circuit, supratensiune, subtensiune, supratemperatura;

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Double BTS7960 large current (43 A) H bridge driver;
5V isolate with MCU, and effectively protect MCU;
5V power indicator on board;
voltage indication of motor driver output end;
can solder heat sink;
isolation chip 5 V power supply (can share with MCU 5 V);
Just need four lines from MCU to driver module (GND. 5V. PWM1. PWM2);
Size: 4 * 5 * 1.2 cm;
Able to reverse the motor forward, two PWM input frequency up to 25kHZ;
two heat flow passing through an error signal output;
isolated chip 5V power supply (can be shared with the MCU 5V), can also use the on-board 5V supply;
the supply voltage 5.5V to 27V
ID: 213452278

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