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Dragino LPS 8 LoRaWAN Gateway wifi extender
Postat 15 aprilie 2024

Dragino LPS 8 LoRaWAN Gateway wifi extender

999 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Rata de transfer wi-fi: > 900 Mbps

  • Livrare cu verificare


The LPS8N is an open-source LoRaWAN Gateway. It lets you bridge LoRa wireless network to an IP network via WiFi or Ethernet. The LoRa wireless allows users to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data rates.

The LPS8N uses Semtech packet forwarder and is fully compatible with LoRaWAN protocol. It includes a SX1302/03 LoRa concentrator, which provides 10 programmable parallel demodulation paths.

LPS8N has pre-configured standard LoRaWAN frequency bands to use for different countries.Users can also customize the frequency bands to use in their own LoRa network.
ID: 232605977

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