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Delavier's Women's Strength Training Workouts - Frederic Delavier
Delavier's Women's Strength Training Workouts - Frederic Delavier
Delavier's Women's Strength Training Workouts - Frederic Delavier
Delavier's Women's Strength Training Workouts - Frederic Delavier
Delavier's Women's Strength Training Workouts - Frederic Delavier
Postat 29 martie 2024

Delavier's Women's Strength Training Workouts - Frederic Delavier

100 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat


290 full-color illustrations allow you to see inside 157 exercises and 49 programs for strengthening, sculpting, and developing your arms, chest, back, shoulders, abs, legs, and glutes.

Step-by-step instructions work in tandem with the anatomical illustrations to ensure understanding of maximizing the efficiency of each exercise. You'll see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures and learn how variations of movements can isolate specific muscles and achieve targeted results.
ID: 218192160

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