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[ COSPLAY ] Peruca Junko Enoshima-Danganronpa
[ COSPLAY ] Peruca Junko Enoshima-Danganronpa
[ COSPLAY ] Peruca Junko Enoshima-Danganronpa
[ COSPLAY ] Peruca Junko Enoshima-Danganronpa
[ COSPLAY ] Peruca Junko Enoshima-Danganronpa
Postat 17 aprilie 2024

[ COSPLAY ] Peruca Junko Enoshima-Danganronpa

100 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Purtat o singura data

  • Livrare cu verificare


(Daca va apare numarul meu,nu sunati,nu raspund daca nu am vorbit mai intai pe mesaje ^^)

Peruca a fost purtata o singura data.De aranjat,nu am aranjat o niciodata.Bretelele de la spatele perucii sunt intacte,niciuna nu este rupta!Peruca este putin mai roz fata in fata,dar camera nu a preluat culoarea exacta

Daca doriti,pot sa va aranjez peruca pentru ea,cu niste bani in plus.De asemenea,o pot aranja si pentru alt caracter in caz de o cumparati pentru alt caracter care nu este Junko.(Va informez ca sunt incepatoare la aranjat,si am rugamintea sa fiti rabdatori cu mine !)

Peruca in sine : 100 LEI
Peruca aranjata : 150 LEI (Pretul poate fi diferit bazat pe caracter,dar Junko este complexa,deci pt ea este 150)

De asemenea aranjez si peruci la comanda,pot sa trimit in privat cateva poze cu ce am mai aranjat in trecut,si pot sa incerc sa va ajut cu alte caractere,care nu sunt la mine pe cont !

Daca aveti si alte intrebari,sunt deschisa sa raspund la ele. 3

I wore the wig once.As for styling,i have never styled it.The clips from behind the wig are totally intact,not one being broken!The wig is a bit more pink,but the camera didn't catch that

If you'd like,i could style the wig for you,for a little bit of more money.I could also style the wig for another character,if you re planning to buy the wig for another character,that isn't Junko!

Base wig : 100 LEI
Stylized wig : 150 LEI (Price is different,based on the character,but Junko is complex so for her it's 150)

I can also style other wigs for you!I can send you some photos in private with some past work so you can see some of my work!(Keep in mind,i m a starter,so please be patient with me!)And i can try to help you with other characters,other than the wigs posted on my page!

If you have any other questions,i'm open to respond in private messages. 3
ID: 259150193

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