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Controller Xbox One - Sea of Thieves (editie limitata)
Controller Xbox One - Sea of Thieves (editie limitata)
Controller Xbox One - Sea of Thieves (editie limitata)
Controller Xbox One - Sea of Thieves (editie limitata)
Controller Xbox One - Sea of Thieves (editie limitata)
Controller Xbox One - Sea of Thieves (editie limitata)
Postat 12 aprilie 2024

Controller Xbox One - Sea of Thieves (editie limitata)

350 lei

Prețul e negociabil

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Livrare cu verificare


Controller Xbox One - Sea of Thieves (editie limitata).

Schimb cu controller PS5, plus/minus diferenta.

Controller-ul este in stare perfecta, nu a fost folosit prea mult, avand alte controllere pentru uz zilnic.

Predare personala in Iasi, daca se doreste prin curier, doar cu plata inainte.
ID: 263096570

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