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Cizme Cowboy Sendra
Cizme Cowboy Sendra
Cizme Cowboy Sendra
Cizme Cowboy Sendra
Cizme Cowboy Sendra
Postat 02 aprilie 2024

Cizme Cowboy Sendra

295 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Material: Piele naturala

  • Tipul talpii: Cu toc

  • Marime: 40

  • Stare: In conditii bune

  • Culoare: Negru

  • Marca: Alte marci

  • Livrare cu verificare


Cizme Cowboy SENDRA
290 Lei
•Piele naturala
•Marimea 40
•Stare buna
°Made in Spain

About the brand:

"The story behind the success of Sendra Boots began over 100 years ago. More than 100 years that incorporate the expertise of four generations, from the brand's founder, Andrés Sendra, to his great-grandson Francisco Javier Sendra, present-day director of the company and leader of a truly great team of more than 170 specialists in boot fashion, design and manufacture.

What started out as a small family business has become one of the most important boot brands in the world, thanks to its expertise and capacity to keep on the move
The history behind Sendra − experts at setting traditions − and the solidity of its successful designs, created stitch by stitch, are together moulding its future one boot at a time. The passion and purposefulness of its team are paving the way to its continued success in the future."
ID: 268445900

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