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Carti de joc Firstime playing cards - Fontaine homage cardistry Rare
Carti de joc Firstime playing cards - Fontaine homage cardistry Rare
Carti de joc Firstime playing cards - Fontaine homage cardistry Rare
Carti de joc Firstime playing cards - Fontaine homage cardistry Rare
Carti de joc Firstime playing cards - Fontaine homage cardistry Rare
Carti de joc Firstime playing cards - Fontaine homage cardistry Rare
Carti de joc Firstime playing cards - Fontaine homage cardistry Rare
Carti de joc Firstime playing cards - Fontaine homage cardistry Rare
Postat 28 martie 2024

Carti de joc Firstime playing cards - Fontaine homage cardistry Rare

110 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Livrare cu verificare


It looks just like the red Fontaine, but it's a little different. I will introduce it at a later date. It was in a plastic box. Comes with 2 logo cards. ・ Two blank faces. The face was the same as the Bicycle. Black had the same composition as red. If you don't have the soaring price of Fontaine red, you may want to buy it because it is cheap and you can enjoy the atmosphere.

Pachetele sunt noi, desigilate. Cartile au fost scoase doar pentru poze.
Sunt dispus si la schimburi.

Pretul este per pachet, iar pentru ambele pretul ar fi 200 lei.

Se poate trimite prin Posta Romana, Fan Courier sau predare personala in Timisoara
ID: 229825293

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