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Carte engleza/hardcover-The Manchester Guardian-History of the War
Carte engleza/hardcover-The Manchester Guardian-History of the War
Carte engleza/hardcover-The Manchester Guardian-History of the War
Carte engleza/hardcover-The Manchester Guardian-History of the War
Carte engleza/hardcover-The Manchester Guardian-History of the War
Carte engleza/hardcover-The Manchester Guardian-History of the War
Carte engleza/hardcover-The Manchester Guardian-History of the War
Carte engleza/hardcover-The Manchester Guardian-History of the War
Postat 14 aprilie 2024

Carte engleza/hardcover-The Manchester Guardian-History of the War

69,90 lei

Prețul e negociabil

  • Persoana fizica

  • Livrare cu verificare


The Manchester Guardian-History of the War (volumele I si III).

De vanzare cele doua volume in limba engleza cu coperti cartonate. Avand in vedere varsta lor (peste 100 de ani, fiind editate in timpul Primului Razboi Mondial) cartile arata foarte bine. Singurele defecte ar fi cele asociate cu varsta (coperti putin deteriorate, cateva pagini cu pete). In afara de acestea, paginile nu sunt rupte, indoite, mazgalite sau care sa prezinte vreun alt fel de defect.

De asemenea, cartile sunt pline cu imagini (portrete ale factorilor decizionali, harti, planuri militare etc.)

Predarea se poate face personal in Cluj-Napoca sau po trimite in tara, cu plata ramburs. Pretul pentru ambele voulme este de 69,90 lei, negociabil.

Dimensiuni: 25 cm latime, 37 cm lungime,
Pagini numerotate: 392 (volumul I), 388 (volumul III)

“This History of the War aims at being a plain and simple narrative of fact,” starts the preface to the first volume of the Manchester Guardian History of the War published at the end of 1914. The writer acknowledges that the generation that makes history rarely writes it but believes the work “may have a permanent as well as current value, since it will display, as no narrative can, the impression made by events as they occurred on contemporary observers, and the hopes and fears of those who lived through the conflict”.
ID: 231593264

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