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  6. Camere Web - Iasi
Camera web webcam Dahua Imou HTI-UC320, Full HD 1080p
Camera web webcam Dahua Imou HTI-UC320, Full HD 1080p
Camera web webcam Dahua Imou HTI-UC320, Full HD 1080p
Camera web webcam Dahua Imou HTI-UC320, Full HD 1080p
Camera web webcam Dahua Imou HTI-UC320, Full HD 1080p
Camera web webcam Dahua Imou HTI-UC320, Full HD 1080p
Camera web webcam Dahua Imou HTI-UC320, Full HD 1080p
Camera web webcam Dahua Imou HTI-UC320, Full HD 1080p
Postat 17 aprilie 2024

Camera web webcam Dahua Imou HTI-UC320, Full HD 1080p

70 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Brand: Alt brand

  • Livrare cu verificare


Vand camera web, model Dahua Imou HTI-UC320, nou, in cutie.

Acesta este un model foarte calitativ, putand fi folosit in scop profesional in gaming, live-uri pe Youtube, Facebook sau meetinguri.

Are o rezolutie Full HD reala, o imagine foarte clara si luminoasa, Dahua fiind lider in camere de supraveghere si nu numai, la nivel mondial.

Camera are autofocus, unghi de 85 grade, mai mare decat alte camere web, ruleaza cu pana la 60 de frameuri pe secunda, suporta decodare H.265, astfel incat compresia va fi mai buna si automat va avea lag mai mic. Are un microfon performant capabil sa capteze sunete clare chiar si la 3 metri distanta.

Camera este plug and play, este compatibila cu orice aplicatie de pe PC si laptop, are si capacel ce acopera lentila pentru a va proteja intimitatea.

Pretul nu este negociabil. Nu fac schimburi.


HTI-UC320 is a 1080P HD USB camera that provides a professional- quality video and audio experience for users.It not only equips with best-in-class camera whose horizontal field of view is up to 84.5,but also integrates built-in omnidirectional microphone that can clearly pick up audio from up to 3 meters away.

HTI-UC320 can work with mainstream video conferencing platform sproviding high compatibility and seamless integration for people in both business and life scenarios.

- Auto Focus :The webcam has an auto-focus feature that ensures clear and sharp images.

- Full HD 1080P Resolution :The webcam captures high-quality video footage with a resolution of 1080P, providing a crystal-clear view of your face.

- External Microphone :The webcam comes with an external microphone that provides better sound quality than internal microphones.

- USB Interface :The webcam connects to your computer via USB, making it easy to use and transfer video footage.
ID: 260995775

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