Adauga anunt nou
  1. Pagina principală
  2. Electronice si electrocasnice
  3. Electrocasnice
  4. Mixere, tocatoare & roboti de bucatarie
  5. Roboti de bucatarie
  6. Roboti de bucatarie - Timis
  7. Roboti de bucatarie - Timisoara
Blender good to go
Blender good to go
Blender good to go
Blender good to go
Blender good to go
Blender good to go
Blender good to go
Blender good to go
Postat 30 martie 2024

Blender good to go

100 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Livrare cu verificare


Blender perfect with smoothies and juices on the go
Clean it self also have a cleaning program

Text or call : 07******55
ID: 249755208

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Pe OLX din iunie 2021

Activ pe 19 februarie 2023

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