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AVL 58 5.8 GHz Video Link Kit
Postat 12 aprilie 2024

AVL 58 5.8 GHz Video Link Kit

800 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Livrare cu verificare


The AVL58 5.8 GHz Video Link Kit is a wireless transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) set allowing the DJI Phantom Quadcopter to become a true FPV (first-person view) RC aircraft. This kit from DJI features two clover-leaf antennas, video and power cables. Adding wireless video to your Phantom experience takes the guess work out of aerial videography, allowing you to see what the camera sees. Operating on 5.8 GHz and featuring eight selectable channels, the operational range extends as far as 3937' (1,200 m) line of sight.
Wireless video adding a first-person view (FPV) experience to your DJI Phantom QuadcopterWorks with the Upgrade Kit for Zenmuse H3-2DPowers directly from Phantom QuadcopterFeatures two clover-leaf antennasOutputs composite SD analogue video
ID: 255841799

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