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Aparat Waffle pe bat, lolly Waffle, vafe pe bat
Aparat Waffle pe bat, lolly Waffle, vafe pe bat
Aparat Waffle pe bat, lolly Waffle, vafe pe bat
Aparat Waffle pe bat, lolly Waffle, vafe pe bat
Aparat Waffle pe bat, lolly Waffle, vafe pe bat
Postat 24 aprilie 2024

Aparat Waffle pe bat, lolly Waffle, vafe pe bat

900 lei

  • Firma


Waffle Iron Lolly Waffle on Stick - 4 pieces
With the Lolly waffle iron you can easily and quickly bake 4 delicious waffles, in the shape of a pine tree, on a stick. The lolly waffle iron is of high quality and suitable for professional use for the catering industry and old Dutch pastry stands. The lolly waffle iron has a aluminium tray with a non-stick coating. The outside is made of stainless steel and easy to clean. The waffle iron has a powerful heating element with which the mold is heated quickly and easily kept warm.

Features for the lolly waffle iron

Robust and easy to operate
Fast production of 4 lolly waffles at the same time
Aluminium baking tray with non-stick coating
Notch in baking tray for the stick
Variable thermostat 50 °C to 300 °C
Equipped with a timer
Temperature indicator light
Sturdy handle
Equipped with drip tray
Stands on 4 stainless steel feet
Very durable construction
Hygienic design
Product specifications

Net weight: 13 kg
Dimensions lolly wafer: W210 x D50 x H30 mm
Device dimensions: W300 x D380 x H260 mm
Total electrical power: 1.75 kW
230V / 50Hz / 1Phase 1750 Watt

Pret 900 lei + TVA
ID: 236703625

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