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2X IsoAcoustics Aperta Sub - subwoofer isolation
2X IsoAcoustics Aperta Sub - subwoofer isolation
2X IsoAcoustics Aperta Sub - subwoofer isolation
2X IsoAcoustics Aperta Sub - subwoofer isolation
Postat 21 aprilie 2024

2X IsoAcoustics Aperta Sub - subwoofer isolation

600 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Livrare cu verificare


IsoAcoustics Aperta Sub - subwoofer isolation
Detin 2 bucati. Noi. Pretul este per bucata.
In magazin costa 1100 lei.
Elevate your audio experience with the Aperta SUB Series subwoofer isolation, featuring a sculpted aluminum frame and patented IsoAcoustics integrated isolators. The Aperta Sub decouples subwoofers from the supporting surface, preventing the physical transfer of energy that excites the surface, causes room rattle, and disturbs neighbors. The patented IsoAcoustics isolation also prevents the subwoofer vibrations from reflecting on the supporting surface and being conducted back up the subwoofer cabinet. Managing these reflections eliminates muddy bass smear and reveals greater clarity and definition.
ID: 267971092

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