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Receptor satelit Hyundai HSS-1000IR
Receptor satelit Hyundai HSS-1000IR
Receptor satelit Hyundai HSS-1000IR
Receptor satelit Hyundai HSS-1000IR
Receptor satelit Hyundai HSS-1000IR
Postat 17 aprilie 2024

Receptor satelit Hyundai HSS-1000IR

60 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat


Receptor satelit Hyundai HSS-1000IR, în stare de funcționare.

Specificații (engleză):
- type of reception: DVB-S
- fully compatible with the MPEG-2 and DVB standard
- built-in Common Interface (CI) and Irdeto dependent access system
- multiple access with two card readers for CI
- a slot for Irdeto
- user-friendly graphical on-screen display (OSD) menu
- easy to use Electronic Program Guide (EPG) via TV screen
- parental control function
- teletext function
- manual PID control
- software download via RS-232C interface
- suitable for motorized system
- DiSEqC 1.0 & 1.2 compatible
- 2000 program slots for digital TV and digital radio
- audio out L/R and audio digital out RCA jacks (for Dolby Digital Sound)
- SCART connections for TV and VCR
- video out RCA jack
ID: 242989534

Contactează vânzătorul

Stefan Dreher

Pe OLX din octombrie 2012

Activ pe 07 decembrie 2023

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