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Rame Ochelari ComFit
Rame Ochelari ComFit
Rame Ochelari ComFit
Rame Ochelari ComFit
Rame Ochelari ComFit
Postat 28 martie 2024

Rame Ochelari ComFit

350 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Tip: Unisex

  • Stare: Nou, fara eticheta

  • Livrare cu verificare


These 80s-inspired glasses are a welcome blast from the past. The oversized square metal rims form a boxy, retro silhouette, while the luxurious gold finish brings the design into the present day. The elegant undertone is carried through to the seamless flexi hinges and sleek temples. Embellishments such as the statement tips, double bridge and thick top bar loop back to the vintage aesthetic of the frames. Subtle detailing in the reinforced bridge adds comfort, so you'll forget you're wearing them whether you're gardening or going to meet friends.
ID: 230363354

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